Miwa Central Clinic  English page

1-336-6, Miwa, Mito City, 310-0911, Japan


Miwa Central Clinic

To patients who don't speak Japanese


In our clinic, English is also available. The doctor of our clinic speaks English very fluently. You can tell us your complaints and symptoms with your own words. If you have any complaints, consult us without hesitation. We provide you appropriate suitable examinations and total medical care and appropriate advices.


Our clinic provides medical care for several fields such as common diseases (hyper tension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus etc…), digestive diseases, injury, various types of cancers, anal diseases, breast diseases (including breast cancer, mastitis) and thyroid diseases. We also provide a screening for the brain, lung kidney and bladder, bones. Vaccinations are also provided, but health insurance is not valid for vaccinations.

3.Examinations and Equipments

We provide you a suitable examination for your symptoms to determine why your symptoms occurred. A blood test, urine test, biopsy/cytology for cancers, electro cardiogram, X-ray examination, Gastrography (with barium), colonograpy (with barium), electric gastroscopy and colonoscopy, ultrasound and a latest 16-line multi-detector CT which can detect quite small lesions in your body is available.


Health insurance is recommended for enough examinations. Unless, a total cost should be paid by your own responsibility. Omission of medical exams is not recommended because situation of your health cannot be accessed accurately.

Miwa Central Clinic

Fields of specialty
Internal medicine, Digestive diseases, General and Anal Surgery, Breast and Thyroid Surgery,
1-336-6, Miwa, Mito City, 310-0911, Japan
1 minute by walk from the Sakurayama bus stop. 12 minutes by bus from JR Mito Station.
Free parking lots are provided.
Mon Tue Wen Thr Fri Sat Sun

Closed in public holidays.